photo of a mountain range

Trauma Therapy in Denver, Colorado

What is Trauma Therapy?

Have you ever found yourself stuck by the memories of past hurt, unable to free yourself from the persistent pain?

The sleepless nights, the unending loop of painful memories, and constant doubts about your value and ability to trust again.

The deep-seated pain from past wounds can be overwhelming and incredibly painful. You may feel constantly angry or disappointed in yourself. You don’t understand why certain people, places, or things create such discomfort for you. You question yourself and don’t trust your own thoughts or feelings. You feel anxious and fearful nearly every day, yet you can’t quite pinpoint why. You don’t have a connection with your emotions or body. You feel that no one understands what you’re going through.

Trauma is unique to each individual. The effects of trauma can be long-lasting, stemming from any event that inflicts lasting emotional distress. Do any of these sound like your experience?

  • Emotional abuse: You may have endured constant criticism, gaslighting, manipulation, or control that left you feeling worthless and powerless.

  • Childhood trauma: You might have faced neglect, abuse, or instability during your childhood, impacting your sense of safety and self-worth. Childhood trauma may also include experiences like parental divorce, death of a loved one, frequent moving, parental mental illness, illness or injury, emotional unavailability of parents, bullying, poverty, and more.

  • Traumatic break up: You may have experienced intense emotional pain, betrayal, and loss that shook your sense of identity and security.

  • Betrayal: You might have been deeply hurt by someone you trusted, leaving you feeling vulnerable and unable to trust others.

  • Death of a loved one: You may have faced overwhelming grief and a sense of emptiness after losing someone close to you.

  • Sexual abuse: You might have suffered from a violation of your body and trust, resulting in profound emotional and psychological distress.

  • Car accident: You may have experienced physical and emotional shock, fear, and ongoing anxiety about safety and control.

  • Verbal abuse: You might have been subjected to harsh, degrading words that destroyed your self-esteem and sense of worth.

  • Abandonment: You may have felt isolated and unworthy after being left alone or unsupported by someone important to you.

  • Witnessing conflict: You might have been deeply affected by observing intense arguments, violence, or hostility, leading to feelings of fear and helplessness.

Trauma counseling is designed to help process and heal from the deep-seated emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical impacts of trauma. By creating a safe and supportive environment, trauma therapy helps you not only understand and heal from your trauma but also reclaim your life and rewrite your story.

Imagine a life where anxiety doesn’t hold you back, where you feel safe and confident, relationships are secure and fulfilling, you can manage your emotional experiences, and you feel FREE.

This is all possible—you can break free from the chains of the past and live the life you’ve always wanted.

Now, imagine a therapy that is specifically designed to help you reprocess these traumatic memories, allowing you to find unique coping skills tailored to your needs and replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is that therapy and offers this transformation! You can learn more about EMDR here.

Areas of Expertise

  • I specialize in helping individuals heal from childhood experiences and relationships including:

    • Parental divorce

    • Abuse - sexual, physical, emotional

    • Emotionally immature parents

    • Parents with mental health concerns or addiction

    • Death of a friend or family member

    • Controlling parents

  • Relational trauma can include ongoing events with a person you were close with like:

    • abuse

    • neglect

    • bullying

    • gaslighting

  • Repeated and ongoing experiences such as:

    • childhood abuse or neglect

    • abandonment

    • gaslighting and emotional abuse

How to Know When You Need Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy is needed if you're noticing persistent struggles and pains in your daily life related to a past experience. Trauma can show up in various ways. Here are signs trauma therapy is for you:

  • Intrusive Thoughts and Memories:

    • “I'm so frustrated this image keeps popping up in my mind.”

    • “I just don't want to think about this anymore.”

  • Emotional Overwhelm:

    • “I'm always on edge.”

    • “I feel my emotions are constantly out of control.”

    • “I'm so overwhelmed I can't cope.”

    • “I can’t relax.”

  • Avoidance:

    • You avoid places, people, or situations, limiting your activities and interactions.

  • Negative Self-Perception:

    • “No one likes me.”

    • “I'm not worthy.”

    • “I don't deserve good things.”

    • “I feel like a failure.”

  • Hopelessness:

    • “I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel.”

    • “I don't feel hopeful about my future.”

    • “I’m worried my life will always be this hard.”

  • Disconnection:

    • “I can't relate to anyone.”

    • “No one will understand what I'm going through.”

    • “Everything seems so surface level.”

    • “Do they actually like me?”

  • Guilt and Shame:

    • “I'm so embarrassed about this.”

    • “I feel so bad.”

    • “It's all my fault.”

  • Physical Reactions:

    • “My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest.”

    • “I'm shaking, I'm so anxious.”

These struggles can make daily life incredibly challenging. If any of these resonate with you and you are ready to start healing from trauma, starting trauma counseling is the first step in releasing the chains that keep you stuck in your past so you can find comfort and peace as you work towards your dream life.

Why is Trauma Therapy Important?

  • Photo of hills and mountains along a lake

    Manage Emotions

    Therapy can help you cope with emotions and reactions. You'll learn coping strategies that actually work to calm your mind and body.

  • photo of snow covered mountains with a little house beneath them

    Build Self-Esteem

    Trauma can impact your ability to trust yourself and ultimately leads to limiting self-beliefs and low self-esteem. Trauma counseling can help you understand yourself and develop self-acceptance. It will help you recognize and implement personal boundaries.

  • small wooden house with a big glass window alongside a mountain

    Feel Good in Relationships

    Trauma therapy can help you feel more aligned, confident, and connected in your relationships.

  • Stone steps leading to a wood paneled home with mountains in the back

    Reduce Anxiety and Depression

    Trauma therapy will help you manage anxiety and depression while also understanding where they come from, helping you gain control and acceptance of these parts of you.

  • crystal clear picture of a lake with mountains in the reflection

    Understand Your Reactions

    By developing self-awareness, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your reactions, allowing you to manage and control them.

  • small wooden house on a hillside

    Restore a Sense of Safety

    Trauma can shatter your sense of safety and security. Therapy helps you rebuild that sense of safety within yourself and in your environment. By addressing and processing traumatic memories, you can begin to feel secure and at ease in your daily life.

photo of a white woman with glasses with her hand on her face, trauma therapist

How Trauma Therapy in Denver, Colorado Can Help You

I am here to help you gain clarity on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Trauma can manifest in many ways, and I am here to help you understand how it impacts your life so you can gain control and manage your thoughts and feelings. I will help you see your trauma as a superpower, enabling you to build confidence and a positive sense of self.

I am a trained EMDR therapist. By reprocessing distressing memories and beliefs, EMDR helps you break free from the negative patterns and self-limiting beliefs that trauma can create. Whether you have experienced a recent traumatic event or are hoping to heal from childhood trauma, I am equipped and excited to help you start your journey toward healing and empowerment. You can learn more about EMDR here

What Makes Me Different

One of the unique aspects of my practice is the availability of online therapy in Colorado, which offers numerous benefits. Online therapy allows you to receive support from the comfort and safety of your own home, eliminating the need for travel and providing a convenient option for those with busy schedules. This flexibility can make it easier for you to fit therapy into your life, ensuring you get the support you need without additional stress. 

In my online sessions, I create a nurturing and safe virtual environment where trust and authenticity can flourish. My approach is holistic and trauma-informed, focusing on your specific needs. I tailor my therapeutic techniques to best support you, ensuring that our sessions are as effective and personalized as possible.

I would love the opportunity to help you process your trauma so you can live a life that feels freeing and empowering.