Picture of a mountains with green and yellow colors. Mountains in the back are snow-capped

EMDR Therapy Intensive Online in Colorado

A tailored solution for your trauma healing. 

Focused, impactful, and transformative therapy for accelerated healing and growth.

Does it feel like 50-minute therapy sessions aren’t bringing the changes you were hoping for, making it harder to reach your goals and live the life you want?

I get it.

Maybe you've become more aware of what's causing your distress and pain, but your emotions and body are struggling to keep up.

Maybe you're finding it hard to dive into deep processing because each week, new challenges arise that require catching up with your therapist.

Maybe your schedule doesn't allow for consistent weekly therapy, disrupting your progress.

Maybe you feel a sense of dread, thinking about the long road ahead in therapy, where unpacking and processing your trauma feels overwhelming.

Or maybe you’re just beginning to process deeply seated trauma or come to important realizations, only to find the session ending just as you start to gain traction—leaving you frustrated and yearning for more time.

You feel stuck, lost, and confused. You are READY to feel better.

I hear you.

So, I’ve decided to shift from the traditional 50-minute talk therapy model to better meet your needs.

The EMDR Therapy Intensive offers a specialized approach for unhurried processing, healing negative beliefs, and finding relief from trauma symptoms.

photo of snow capped mountains and hills. little house at the base of the mountains

The EMDR Therapy Intensive is a personalized treatment designed to help you feel better, faster. With this approach, you can skip the waitlist and gain quicker access to these specialized sessions, aligning with your ideal timeline for healing.

Unlike the disruption of traditional 50-minute sessions, the EMDR Therapy Intensive offers focused, 3-hour sessions each day over multiple days. This format provides the space you need to grow, process your experiences, and alleviate symptoms more effectively.

The intensive format can also reduce overall treatment time by minimizing the need for session time spent on checking in, addressing current crises or concerns, and preparing to do the deeper work.

What is the EMDR Therapy Intensive?

How does the EMDR Therapy Intensive work?

Free Consultation:

Intake, Resourcing, and Treatment Planning:
In the intake, we will:

  •  Discuss your treatment goals and outline our time together. This might sound like: 

    • I want to process/get over my break up

    • I want to feel confident going to public places 

    • I want to stop ruminating over what happened to me 

  • Delve into past experiences that feel stuck

  • Explore what’s going on in your life right now!

  • Explore what you hope to achieve in terms of relief and growth.

  • Familiarize you with EMDR and the use of bilateral stimulation (BLS), which corresponds to phases one and two of EMDR. 

Intensive Sessions:

During the intensive sessions,

  • You’ll focus on processing and desensitizing past, stuck experiences

  • We’ll continue to use BLS to help your brain, mind, and body synchronize

  • EMDR, through BLS, helps reduce distress and taps into your body’s natural healing mechanisms

  • These sessions are intense but are designed to help you develop more realistic, positive, and accurate beliefs about yourself and your trauma, ultimately reducing its impact on your life.

    Learn more about how EMDR works, here.

  • The nature of trauma is complex, and individuals seek EMDR for deeply personal reasons. An EMDR intensive is for those who are ready and willing to engage in processing and change. It is also for those who are already in weekly therapy and are hitting in a wall in processing. Most of my clients identify with at least one of three categories, and many relate to more than one.

    Past Trauma:

    • Unaddressed childhood wounds

    • Sexual assault

    • Domestic violence

    • Parental divorce or absenteeism

    • Bullying

    • Attachment wounds (whether familial, romantic, or platonic)

    • Inconsistency (e.g., frequent moving)

    Recent Traumatic Events:

    • Natural disaster

    • Car accident

    • Death of a loved one

    • Breakups

    Feelings of…:

    • Not feeling good enough

    • Constant worry

    • Powerlessness

    • Perfectionism

    • Depression

    EMDR can help with all of these challenges because treatment is tailored to YOU. My specialties within these areas include:

    • Unaddressed childhood wounds

    • Emotional abuse and neglect

    • Sexual abuse/assault

    • Attachment wounds

  • Simply put—you want to feel better, faster. Whether it’s because...

    • You want to experience deep therapeutic work that will transform your life.

    • You’re still impacted by past experiences and are ready to heal and move forward.

    • You have an upcoming event that’s causing you distress, and you want to be prepared.

    • You feel stuck in your weekly therapy, whether with a specific thought, feeling, or experience, and want to supplement it with an intensive approach.

    • You’re looking for a more concentrated approach that allows for faster, more efficient progress.

    • You want a comprehensive healing experience that tackles multiple aspects of your trauma in a focused way.

    • You have a busy schedule and prefer an intensive format that fits into a shorter timeframe, allowing for significant progress in a condensed period.

  • EMDR is internationally recognized and endorsed for its effectiveness for treating trauma by: 

    • United States National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

    • World Health Organization (WHO) 

    • American Psychological Association (APA) 

    • Veterans Affairs (VA)

    • Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)

    • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

    • International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)

    Click here to read research about EMDR.

    “Intensive EMDR treatment is feasible and is indicative of reliable improvement in PTSD symptoms in a very short time frame” (Méndez, Nijdam, Heide, Aa, & Olff, 2018). Read more here.

Photo of mountain like islands with a sunset. Clouds are yellow, cream, and dark purple

What are the fees?

The EMDR Therapy Intensive is a customized treatment plan designed specifically around your goals, so fees are based on your individual needs and program design.

  • Intensive sessions are typically $230 per hour.

  • Intensive packages (which include an intake session and two 3-hour intensive sessions) start at $1,610.

I offer free phone consultations to discuss your needs and goals, as well as to determine if we, and this intensive approach, are a good fit. During this consultation, I will clearly communicate the fees and packages as I learn more about the support you’re seeking.

How is Intensive Therapy More Cost-Effective and Time-Efficient than Weekly Therapy?

Weekly Therapy

In a typical 50-minute weekly therapy session, you might spend:

  • 10-15 minutes checking in from the last session and discussing how your week was.

  • 20-30 minutes working on whatever comes up that day, focusing on a single stressor or processing.

  • 10 minutes closing the session.

Over a month, you could spend around $620 for four weekly sessions, often focusing on a single stressor.

But let’s be real—life happens between sessions.

New issues arise, and the focus shifts, making it sometimes difficult to gain traction on the deeper issues.

This means you might be in weekly therapy for months or even years ($620 x number of months) without fully resolving the stressor that’s been weighing on you.

Intensive Therapy

With intensive therapy, each session is designed for maximum impact:

  • 10-15 minutes checking in and establishing a clear focus for the session.

  • 150-160 minutes of deep EMDR processing—diving into the core issues without the usual interruptions.

  • 10-15 minutes closing the session with meaningful takeaways.

In just one intensive session, you might fully resolve one or multiple stressors within half a day, costing around $1,600. The focused, sustained work you do in 2-3 hours of EMDR processing is equivalent to—or even surpasses—what you’d accomplish in double or triple that time in traditional talk therapy.

You feel better, quicker.

Beyond the session itself, intensive therapy can also help you save in other ways like reduced reliance on medications and less time away from work and life.

The simple truth is… 

2-3 days can change everything.

Frequently asked questions about the EMDR Therapy Intensive

  • This is a specialized, premium service designed for those seeking fast, effective results. Accordingly, the fees reflect the additional work, energy, and scheduling flexibility required to provide this level of care. The fee also represents the high value clients receive from this intensive therapeutic approach.

    • Intensive sessions: $230 per hour

    • Intensive packages: Starting at $1,610

    After you book, I’ll hold the dates for your intensive for one week. Please complete your paperwork in the client portal within that time. A non-refundable deposit of 50% of your total intensive cost will be charged.

  • It’s important to me that you feel heard and have control over how your therapy unfolds. Together, we’ll explore what makes the most sense for you. Here are the formats I currently offer:

    • 2 sessions (3 hours each) for a total of 6 clinical hours: $1,610

    • 3 sessions (3 hours each) for a total of 9 clinical hours: $2,300

    • 4 sessions (3 hours each) for a total of 12 clinical hours: $2,990

    • 8 sessions (3 hours each) for a total of 24 clinical hours: $5,750

    Note: Each package includes a one-hour intake/interview session in addition to the intensive sessions.

    These packages are designed to offer deep, focused therapeutic work that can lead to faster and more effective results compared to traditional weekly therapy. Each package can be tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the most value from your intensive therapy experience.

    If you require support between sessions or need a payment plan, we can discuss these options during our initial consultation to ensure the approach is right for you.

  • I am an out-of-network provider and do not accept insurance directly. However, your insurance company may offer out-of-network benefits for this service. If you’re seeking reimbursement for intensive therapy, you’ll need to check with your insurance provider. You can call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card to ask:

    • Do I have out-of-network benefits?

    • Will my insurance reimburse several hours of therapy in a single day or week?

    If your insurance company offers out-of-network benefits for this service, I’m happy to provide you with a superbill for your therapy sessions to submit for reimbursement.

    Please note: Insurance companies typically require a formal diagnosis as a basis for treatment.

  • In an intensive, you can expect to make significant strides in processing and healing deep-seated trauma, gaining clarity on unresolved issues, and developing healthier, more positive beliefs about yourself. The focused, extended sessions allow for deeper work in a shorter period, helping you to achieve breakthroughs that might take months in traditional therapy.

    We will explore together what format is best for you during the initial consultation. 

    Self-care will be an important part of your experience outside of the intensive session. It might be best to have unscheduled time after the session, to take care of your mind and body. This might look like getting a massage, going for a walk, taking a yoga class, engaging in art… anything that fills YOU up (which we will go over:) 

  • A 50% deposit is required at the time of booking your sessions. After that, you can choose to pay the remaining balance in installments at the start of each session or pay the full amount upfront. For example, if you select a 3-session package, you would pay $1,150 upfront and then $383 at the start of each session, or you can choose to pay the entire balance upfront.

  • The intensives will be provided exclusively online :)