EMDR Therapy in Denver, Colorado

What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy is a structured therapy that is designed to help individuals heal from trauma or experiences that feel stuck. In EMDR, the client focuses on an aspect of their distressing memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (oftentimes eye movement). This helps to reprocess the traumatic or stuck memories to reduce the lingering effects and symptoms, enabling individuals to recover from and thrive after trauma. EMDR therapy is unlike traditional talk therapy and is structured as an eight-phase approach. 

photo of a little home on a lake with mountains
photo of steps, hills, and mountains

How Does EMDR Therapy Work?

EMDR therapy involves using bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, taps, or tones, to help the brain reprocess traumatic or stuck memories. This bilateral stimulation allows the brain to integrate these memories more adaptively, reducing their emotional charge and helping you gain insight into your experiences.

The eight phases of EMDR therapy include:

  1. History Taking: This is the getting to know you phase! I'll gather information from you about your past, current experiences, relationships, etc. We will also come up with a treatment plan!

  2. Preparation: We will explore coping mechanisms that feel best for you. We will talk more about the next phases in the EMDR therapy process and ensure you are ready for the next steps. 

  3. Assessment: We will identify specific memories to focus on  and the negative beliefs associated with them. 

  4. Desensitization: We will start using bilateral stimulation here, and I will guide you in reprocessing the traumatic memory until its distressing impact is reduced.

  5. Installation: Positive beliefs are reinforced to replace the negative beliefs associated with the traumatic memory.

  6. Body Scan: I will help you identify and process any physical sensations related to the traumatic memory.

  7. Closure: We will close the session by ensuring you're grounded, using relaxation and coping techniques tailored to your needs.

  8. Reevaluation: We will check in at the start of each session how you’re doing and what's been coming up for you. From there, we will determine how you want the session to look. 

Learn how EMDR can help you feel relief sooner, here.

photo of steps and mountain
photo of a wooden house next to a mountain and lake

How to Know When You Need EMDR Therapy

You can benefit from EMDR therapy if you’re experiencing any of the following:

  • Constant Worry and Fear: "I don't know why I keep waking up anxious"; "ugh, why do I feel so scared right now"; "Who all will be there? where are we going? I need all the details"

  • Reliving Bad Memories: "I feel so stuck"; "why can't I get over this relationship"; I just want to move on already"

  • Emotional Rollercoaster: "Why do I feel fine sometimes, but then get hit by a wave of sadness or anger out of nowhere?"; "why can't I control these emotions?"

  • Avoiding Triggers: "I can't go there"; "I don't want to go to crowded places"; "I can't listen to that"

  • Feeling Worthless: “I’m not good enough”; “I always mess things up”; “I can’t do anything right”; "I'm unlovable"

  • Relationship Struggles: "Are they mad at me?"; "Do they want to be with me"; "Did they actually want to do that?"

  • Physical Stress Symptoms: "My back is always in pain"; "I can't relax my shoulders"; "My stomach is constantly upset"

If any of these sound familiar, EMDR therapy might be right for you. It can help you process these difficult experiences in a safe way so you can start living a more fulfilling life.

photo of mountains with a wooden house next to one tree
photo of hills, mountains, and steps leading to the hills

How EMDR Therapy in Denver, Colorado Can Help You

As an experienced trauma therapist specializing in childhood trauma and emotional neglect, I bring a compassionate and empathetic approach to EMDR therapy. My extensive experience working with children, teens, and adults who have experienced various forms of trauma allows me to tailor EMDR therapy to meet your unique needs.

While EMDR therapy is a structured therapeutic approach, I ensure that your needs, sense of safety, and readiness  are considered above all else. I am passionate about helping you gain clarity and understanding as you process your trauma, and I am dedicated to supporting you every step of the way on your healing journey. 

If you are hoping to start healing and feeling better NOW, check out my EMDR Therapy Intensive.

mountains in the sunlight
wooden house on a lake with mountains in the background