Emotional Neglect and Abuse Therapy in Denver, Colorado

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    What is Emotional Neglect and Abuse Therapy?

    Emotional neglect and abuse occur when an individual's emotional needs are consistently ignored, invalidated, or belittled. This can happen in childhood or adulthood and often leaves deep, lasting scars. You often think your thoughts, feelings, and opinions don’t matter. You constantly second guess yourself and seek others opinions. Relationships seem scary as you fear rejection and judgment. You go out of your way to make others happy, often at your own expense. You feel guilty for taking up space or stating your needs. You struggle identifying your emotions and have learned to numb out.

    Emotional neglect and abuse therapy will provide you the space where you feel seen, heard, and validated. Oftentimes, this feels incredibly scary, overwhelming, and gross. Through therapy, you will learn how to identify your emotions and cope with them. You will work on building confidence and a positive self-esteem. We will explore relationship patterns and how fear and anxiety impact those relationships. You will have the space and safety to process your trauma.

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    How to Know When You Need Therapy for Emotional Neglect and Abuse

    Emotional neglect and abuse therapy is needed if you are experiencing any of the following:

    Feeling Invisible: “I feel like no one ever really sees or hears me”; “no one would notice or care if I’m not here”; “no one really knows me”

    Self-Doubt: “Did I do something wrong?”; “Are they mad at me?”; “Did I say too much?”

    Fear of Intimacy: “they won’t care”; “will they actually understand?”; “I just won’t say anything”; “I’ll do whatever they want”

    People-Pleasing: “Let’s do whatever you want”; “I’m down for whatever”; “I don’t care what we do”; “I’m easy going”

    Chronic Guilt: “I must have done something wrong”; “it’s my fault”

    Emotional Numbness: “I don’t feel real”; “I can’t feel anything”; “I feel empty”

    Perfectionism: “If I don’t do this right, I’m a failure”; “I’ll just do it on my own”; “they won’t like me if I don’t do…” ; “nothing I do is good enough”

    Anxiety and Depression: “It’s easier to not say anything”; “ugh I feel so weird”; “why am I so lazy”

    If any of these resonate with you, therapy for emotional neglect and abuse can help you address these challenges and heal.

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    Why is Therapy for Emotional Neglect and Abuse Important?

    Healing from emotional neglect and abuse is crucial for your overall well-being. Here’s how therapy can help:

    Validate Your Experiences: Therapy provides a safe space to acknowledge and validate your experiences, helping you understand that your feelings are real and important.

    Build Self-Esteem: Therapy can help you rebuild your self-worth and develop a healthier self-image. You can begin to trust yourself. Discover who you actually are.

    Improve Relationships: Learn to form healthier, more fulfilling relationships by addressing trust issues and improving communication. Explore what you need in relationships.

    Emotional Awareness: Develop the ability to identify and express your emotions.

    Set Boundaries: Learn to set and maintain boundaries, ensuring your needs are met.

    Manage Anxiety and Depression: Address the root causes of your anxiety and depression. You will learn how to manage anxiety, depression, and other difficult emotions.

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    How Emotional Neglect and Abuse Therapy In Denver, Colorado Can Help You

    As an experienced trauma therapist in Denver, Colorado specializing in emotional neglect and abuse, I bring empathy and understanding to sessions. My goal is to help you feel seen, heard, safe, and validated. Together, we will work on processing your trauma and developing the necessary skills to create a life that feels fulfilling for you. I have extensive training and experience to give you the best level of care and support.If you’re ready to start your journey towards healing from emotional neglect and abuse, I would love to support you. Call today for a free 15 minute phone consultation!