Who I Work With

Many of the individuals I work with initially seek counseling due to intense anxiety and/or depression. These feelings often leave them feeling stuck and searching for a solution or a quick fix.

The clients who find the most success with me come to understand that there isn’t a magic solution or quick fix. They come to recognize that their anxiety and depression often stem from past experiences and a tendency to put others' needs before their own. They want to take the time to listen to their own needs and desires. They aim to learn how to cope with difficult emotions, process challenging experiences, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships.

Most of my clients have experienced trauma, particularly relational, interpersonal trauma. They’ve experienced childhood trauma and emotional neglect. They struggle with relationships, standing up for themselves, disconnecting (numbing), controlling their emotions and behaviors, and how they view themselves.

The clients I work with are ready to slow down and reconnect with their bodies and themselves. They want to stop intellectualizing and start processing their emotions. They are willing to challenge their avoidance and people pleasing tendencies to reconnect with themselves. They’re tired of how things have been and are ready to see real change.

I also work with caregivers who are struggling to cope with their child’s mental health challenges. These clients are eager to learn about trauma-informed caregiving practices while also addressing their own mental health issues. They often feel exhausted and question their parenting abilities, having tried many different approaches without success. Struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression, they are ready for change and are committed to improving both their own well-being and learning skills that actually work.