Parenting Support Intensive Online in Colorado

river in the mountains. the sun is beating down on trees, giving them a brownish glow.

 Personalized solutions crafted specifically for your parenting needs and challenges. 

Effective support and concrete answers for navigating your child’s mental health struggles.

Do you feel stuck as a parent, not knowing how to help your child? 

This is for parents who want:

  • To deeply understand their child and the mental health challenges they’re facing.

  • Specialized tips and tricks that align with your child’s individual needs and your family’s specific situation.

  • A fast pass to building a strong, lasting connection with their child.

  • Time for themselves to discuss parenting struggles in a non-judgmental space.

  • To get on the same page as their partner

Together, we’ll cover:

  • How to navigate and respond to challenging behaviors and emotions.

  • How to manage your own emotions while supporting your child in coping with theirs.

  • How to set both you and your child up for long-term success.

And so much more!

Does it feel like no matter what you do, you don’t feel like a good enough parent?

Maybe you’ve become overwhelmed by the constant demands of managing your child’s mental health, leaving little room for your own well-being.

Maybe you feel a sense of dread every time a new issue arises, fearing that no matter what you do, it won’t be enough to help your child.

Maybe you question whether the boundaries you set are too strict or too lenient, since nothing seems to improve.

Maybe you’re finding it hard to stay patient and calm when your child’s emotions are all over the place, and it’s taking a toll on you.

Maybe your schedule doesn’t allow you to take a break or find the support you need, making it feel like you’re always running on empty.

You feel stuck, lost, alone, and confused. You are READY to find solutions, that actually work

I hear you and see you. So,

I created the Parenting Support Intensive to offer a specialized approach that empowers you with the skills and confidence to navigate the challenges of parenting a child with mental health difficulties, while also creating a space to support your own emotional well-being.

image of snow-capped mountains with a little house at the base

What is the Parenting Support Intensive?

The Parenting Support Intensive is a customized program designed to provide you with the tools you need, faster. You will gain a better understanding of your child and build confidence in your parenting. If you’ve struggled to find enough quality time with your child’s therapist or other professionals, this intensive offers ample time to dive deep into your concerns, giving you quick access to answers and support on your timeline.

The Parenting Support Intensive is crafted to provide you with the understanding and tools to best support your children who struggle with their trauma and mental health. You will also have the space to process your own mental health struggles as it relates to parenting. Most importantly, all the information and strategies will be tailored specifically to your unique struggles and needs.

How to Know When You Need the Parenting Support Intensive

You’ve tried everything to support your child, but nothing seems to work. You feel hopeless and worried about your child's future. Your mental health is declining as you feel helpless and ashamed, unsure of what to do. You find yourself thinking “I'm burnt out from trying to do all this” ; “I'm at a loss of what to do” ; “No matter what I do, I don't feel like a good enough parent.”

It’s like children have superpowers—they can push all the hurtful buttons. You often find yourself frustrated with everything, from your child coming home early from school to leaving their shoes in the middle of the floor. You find yourself dreading dinner, anticipating the inevitable argument about doing the dishes. It feels like you can’t catch a break. Everything turns into an argument, and your relationships are suffering.

How does the Parenting Support Intensive work?

Free Consultation:

  • 20 minute phone consultation 

  • Ensure we are a good fit so you feel confident moving forward!

Intake and Treatment Planning:

  • Talk about your treatment goals. They may sound like:

    • Have a clearly define plan and strategy the next time your catch your child in a lie 

    • Have confidence in your consequences the next time your child steals from their sibling

    • Have a script for how to respond to your child refusing to go to school

    • Have confidence in how to manage your child’s tantrums or strong emotions 

  • Explore current parenting practices- what’s working and what’s not, what’s stressful, etc. 

  • Discuss your values so you can parent in a way that feels aligned with them 

Intensive Sessions:
Intensive sessions look like…

  • Understanding your child’s behaviors and emotions (psychoeducation) 

  • Discovering strategies and skills to help with your concerns about your child

  • Process what is stressful for you about parenting a child with mental health challenges 

You’ll leave the intensive sessions with understanding and practical strategies unique to you to implement at home, fostering connection with your child.

picture of the sun setting behind large mountains. there are yellow clouds in the sky

Who is the Parenting Support Intensive for?

The Parenting Support Intensive is designed for caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or uncertain about how to best support their child with mental health challenges. It’s for parents who have tried various approaches but still struggle to find solutions that work. If you’re tired of feeling like you’re spinning your wheels and are ready for a focused, personalized approach to address both your child’s needs and your own well-being, this intensive is for you.

I specialize in providing parenting strategies for those raising children who have experienced trauma or are struggling with anxiety, depression, or attachment difficulties.

Why should I do the Parenting Support Intensive?

  • Gain Understanding: Understanding what is happening with your child and yourself can create awareness, leading to changes in thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and decisions. Understanding leads to connection which is what our children are needing.

  • Create Connection: You want to create a strong and trusting relationship with your child.

  • Develop Effective Strategies: Discover parenting techniques that work best for your child’s specific needs, helping you feel more confident and competent.

  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Learn coping strategies tailored to your needs to manage your own stress and anxiety, improving your overall well-being.

  • Improve Communication: Learn communication strategies that work best for you and your child, helping you develop a strong and trusting relationship.

  • Build Emotional Resilience: Strengthen your emotional resilience to handle the ups and downs of parenting with greater ease, which will also help your child build emotional resilience.

  • Implement Self-Care: Develop self-care routines that help you maintain your mental health and well-being.

How is the parenting support Intensive More Cost-Effective and Time-Efficient than other weekly coaching or courses?

Weekly Coaching or Parenting Courses:

In a typical weekly coaching session or standard parenting course, you might spend:

  • 10-15 minutes discussing the latest challenges or updates from the week.

  • 20-30 minutes exploring one aspect of your child’s behavior or your parenting approach, often focusing on a single issue.

  • 10 minutes wrapping up, with limited time for deeper exploration or personalized strategies.

Over a month, you could spend hundreds of dollars on sessions that only scratch the surface, without addressing the root of the problems—or how to truly solve them.

Life with kids is unpredictable—new challenges arise, making it difficult to stay on track or see significant progress.

This means you might be in weekly coaching for months without fully resolving the stressors that have been weighing on you.

Parenting Support Intensive:

With the Parenting Support Intensive, the approach is designed for comprehensive, impactful progress:

  • 10-15 minutes checking in.

  • 2.5 hours of focused, deep-dive work—addressing your unique parenting challenges, understanding your child’s mental health, and developing tailored strategies that work for your family. You will leave with understanding.

  • 10-15 minutes closing the session, ensuring you leave with actionable insights and a plan.

In just one intensive session, you’ll gain the tools and understanding that might take months to develop in traditional coaching or through general courses.

The sustained focus of the intensive allows for meaningful progress that truly addresses the core of your parenting struggles.

You find solutions, quicker.

You’ll have the tools that will serve you for a lifetime.

Beyond the session itself, the Parenting Support Intensive offers additional benefits:

  • Tailored strategies that are specific to your child and family dynamics, rather than generic advice that may not apply to your situation.

  • More time for you: With fewer sessions needed, you can spend less time in coaching or general courses and more time implementing the changes at home.

  • Immediate support: Skip the long waitlists and get the help you need now.

The simple truth is… 

2-3 days can change your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! I’m more than happy to include both you and your partner in the intensive. It can be incredibly beneficial to hear the same information together and align your understanding, helping you get on the same page.

  • I work with parents who are struggling to navigate their child's mental health challenges, which may include:

    • Trauma

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Attachment difficulties

    • Parental divorce or separation

    • Bullying

    I do not work with high conflict divorce.

    I also don't specialize in working with children who are on the autism spectrum. That said, I recognize that children on the spectrum may also experience any of the above mental health challenges, and in those cases, I am still able to provide impactful and meaningful support.

  • This is a specialized, premium service designed for those seeking fast, effective results. Accordingly, the fees reflect the additional work, energy, and scheduling flexibility required to provide this level of care. The fee also represents the high value clients receive from this intensive approach.

    • Parenting Support Intensive sessions are typically $240 per hour.

    • Intensive packages (which include an intake session and two 3-hour intensive sessions) start at $1,640.

    *Please note that fees may be adjusted if you choose to participate in the intensive with your partner.

    I offer free phone consultations to discuss your needs and goals, as well as to determine if we, and this intensive approach, are a good fit. During this consultation, I will clearly communicate the fees and packages as I learn more about the support you’re seeking.

  • It’s important to me that you feel heard and have control over how your intensive unfolds. Together, we’ll explore what makes the most sense for you. Here are the formats I currently offer:

    • Intake + 2 sessions (3 hours each) for a total of 6 clinical hours: $1,640

    • Intake + 3 sessions (3 hours each) for a total of 9 clinical hours: $2,360

    • Intake + 4 sessions (3 hours each) for a total of 12 clinical hours: $3,000

    These packages are designed to offer deep, focused therapeutic work that can lead to faster and more effective results. Each package can be tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the most value from your intensive therapy experience.

    If you require support between sessions or need a payment plan, we can discuss these options during our initial consultation to ensure the approach is right for you.

  • A 50% deposit is required at the time of booking your sessions. After that, you can choose to pay the remaining balance in installments at the start of each session or pay the full amount upfront.

  • The intensives will be provided exclusively online :)

  • I am going to teach you a new way of being with your child that creates deep, lasting, meaningful change and connection. Together we will get to the root of the challenges to develop understanding which leads to actual change.

    I also hold the belief that all behaviors (even the scary and hurtful ones) are adaptive. There is nothing wrong with you or your child. Through this nonjudgmental lens, we will be able to uncover practices that feel aligned and transformative.

    On another note, I have been supporting parents for 7+ years. I am so passionate about creating a space where parents feel welcomed, safe, and seen.

  • I am an out-of-network provider and do not accept insurance directly. However, your insurance company may offer out-of-network benefits for this service. If you’re seeking reimbursement for intensive therapy, you’ll need to check with your insurance provider. You can call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card to ask:

    • Do I have out-of-network benefits?

    • Will my insurance reimburse several hours of therapy in a single day or week?

    If your insurance company offers out-of-network benefits for this service, I’m happy to provide you with a superbill for your therapy sessions to submit for reimbursement.

    Please note: Insurance companies typically require a formal diagnosis as a basis for treatment.