Trauma Therapy with Brea in Colorado

Are you tired of wondering if and when things will get better?

Does your constant stress and anxiety get in the way of the life you want? 

Do you struggle despite being aware, accomplished, and motivated?

If you’re experiencing any of this, I can help you.

standing photo of a blonde hair woman in a green, flowy shirt, trauma therapist.

I’m Guessing…

  • You deeply care for others and are also deeply concerned about what others think of you.

  • You’ve been described as kind and caring, with others often seeking your advice or comfort, yet you rarely share how you’re really doing.

  • You work hard to make others happy, even if it sacrifices your own happiness in the process.

  • You easily identify what others need, but struggle to recognize and express your own needs.

  • You create space for others, yet find it difficult to create space for your own healing.

  • You feel anxious and overwhelmed when others don’t seem happy or genuine.

  • You are self-aware, but still feel out of control in your life.

  • You’re exhausted from feeling stuck in your experiences and relationships.

  • You’re tired of feeling anxious, avoidant, fearful, or disconnected in relationships.

  • You’ve been described as easy-going, but you often don’t vocalize what you need or want.

  • You question whether your feelings are valid or avoid them altogether.

    If ANY of these resonate with you, welcome.

    You’re in the right place.

Together, we can…

  • Work on building your self-confidence and self-worth, helping you to find peace and satisfaction within yourself rather than relying on others' approval.

  • Integrate effective self-care and coping practices that help manage your anxiety, depression, and overall healing.

  • Identify the areas where you feel stuck and develop strategies to unblock this stagnation, allowing you to move forward and heal. 

  • Process your relationships and explore where you feel stuck in them, helping you move forward with clarity, understanding, and confidence in your relationships.

And also…

  • Create a safe and supportive environment where you can freely express your thoughts and feelings, helping you build your emotional awareness and communication skills.

  • Develop strategies for setting personal boundaries that allow you to maintain your well-being while still being supportive to others. 

  • Work on identifying and processing your own needs and desires while practicing self-advocacy techniques that will help you convey your needs or wants to others. 

  • Process social anxiety and develop coping strategies to manage your anxiety when others’ emotions affect you. 

  • Explore your attachment style(s) to better understand what you need in relationships.

  • Strengthen your ability to express yourself authentically, ensuring that your voice is heard. 

  • Enhance your emotional acceptance, allowing you to embrace your feelings without judgment and to process them in a healthy and constructive way.

Hi, I’m Brea.

I’m a trauma therapist for young adult women with childhood trauma. I also support parents who are struggling to navigate their child's mental health as well as their own. I offer virtual therapy for Colorado residents, specializing in complex family and relationship dynamics, and healing from emotional and childhood trauma. I’m happy you’re here!

I bring a calm, laid-back approach to therapy, ready to be with you through both joyful moments and challenging times. Whether we’re laughing or sitting quietly in the midst of difficult emotions, I’ll be right there with you, fully present. Together, we’ll explore how past experiences and relationships might be holding you back from living the life you want. We’ll uncover what’s happening within your mind and body, identify coping skills that truly work, and figure out what you need—and how to get it!

Services in Denver, Colorado

All services are provided exclusively online in Colorado. Here's why!

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy will offer you a confidential and supportive space for you to process, grow, and heal. Here you will have the opportunity to explore thoughts, emotions, and experiences that come up for you. You are the driver, and we will process whatever you need at the time of the session.

$155 per 50 minute session.

$200 per 90 minute session.


An intensive offers focused, deep-dive sessions designed to accelerate progress and foster meaningful healing in a shorter period. Unlike traditional therapy, which unfolds over weeks, months, or even years, an intensive provides concentrated support within a condensed timeframe, increasing the likelihood of experiencing significant healing and transformation.

Learn more about my EMDR Trauma Therapy Intensive here.

Learn more about my Parenting Support Intensive here.
